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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything You Need to Know

Leaving your cat in unfamiliar surroundings is never an easy decision.  I’m sure you have a lot of questions about how it works. I’ve compiled some of the most common questions into the list below. If you want further information,

 please get in touch 


Sometimes for cat owners who need to board. 

This can be a big decision….Do I or don’t  ????


No one can replace YOU in your cat’s life, but  sometimes we need to leave our cat/s. A good cattery is the next best safest thing. It could be a much needed holiday, a hospital stay, family coming to stay or moving house.


What are  your options:- 

1.  Leave your cat at home - Cats are in fact not as happy with this as you think, cats don’t like to be in an empty house alone. They do not understand why they are there and you are not. Their favourite person who they have bonded with is nowhere to be seen. Remember your cat bonds with YOU not the house.

If you are away for a period of time your cat may start pining and stray into other cat's territory or onto a road they would not normally use.

If your cat did go missing think of the worry this will give the person caring for your cat in your house. If you choose a good cattery none of this will happen. Your cat will be cared for, be safe and have company.

2. Put your mind at rest…Ask friends and family or other cat owners for recommendations. Make an appointment with a cattery, go along, with a list of questions, that's what we are here for.

See how our feline guests are behaving, relaxed, asleep, happy, chatting to you as you pass by. Are the surrounding gardens tidy and buildings in good condition. Is there a homely feel or a business element? How many staff are there? are other pets being boarded?

At the end of the day you know your cat best and You will know when you have found the right one.


Q: When is the best time to bring my cat to cattery?


A: If you are travelling that day, best  come along to the cattery first thing. Just in case your cat decides to go

“walk about “ and then you will be waiting for him to come home.   


Q: Should I feed my cat as normal on that day ?


A: If your cat is coming to us in the morning, we can feed him when he arrives.

He will be more likely to hang around the house thinking you have just forgot to feed him.


Q: Will my cat come into contact with anyone else's cat ?


A:  No… your cat will not come into contact with other cats. Each cat or family of cats will have their own dustpan/brush. No cross infection can then take place. Only cats from the same household will live together. Your cat will be aware of their neighbours.


Q Should I visit the cattery before booking & what should I expect and ask?


A: Absolutely.....Yes ! If possible, make an appointment and go along, see for yourself how the guests are and an experienced proprietor will be able to answer all your questions and advise. Security and fit for purpose building are always one of the most asked questions. 

  The best recommendation is” word of mouth,”  ask  family, work colleagues, local vets, local rescue centres.


Q: What daily checks will you do for my cat?


A:  We will check ears, eyes, coat, the contents of the litter tray, food eaten, drinking habits and the general wellbeing of your cat. Most of this information will be documented on the chart relating to your cat, attached to the chalet. This will allow us to pick up any changes in your cat straight away.


Q: I don’t have a family of cats but would like a family cottage for my cat, is this possible? 


A:  Yes, if one of the cottages are available. Please enquire for an upgrade  on dates and price. 


Q:  What is the youngest age that I can board my kitten?


A:  Once your kitten has had the full course of vaccinations and one weeks clearance, we are happy to accept your kitten.

This is approximately 14 weeks.


Q: Will my cat be groomed daily?


A  Yes, light grooming if required, as part of the daily routine. We do have grooming brushes etc for all types of coats. But you are welcome to bring along your own,  as your cat will be familiar with them. However we will not attempt to groom cats that has obviously never been groomed or any cat that objects violently  to grooming.




Do treat your cat against fleas & worms,  prior to boarding.

( If your cat is due during the stay, we are happy to apply flea treatments or worming tablets).

A Sur-charge of £20 will be added to your invoice if your cat is found to be infested with fleas or worms and need treating while under our care.



Do Bring along their favourite bed if you wish, also toys & grooming brush to help your cat settle in. If you are leaving your cat for more than 3 weeks we have advice for extras you can bring along with your cat.


Do Remember to book your cat in the day before if you have early morning travel arrangements.


Do Bring along your cats treats, we are happy to give to them on a daily

basis during their stay.


Don't wash your cat's bedding before taking to the cattery, as this will remove any familiar smells.


Don't  feed your cat before the journey it may well vomit or worse ! We will feed once settled in.


Don't  put bedding that you wish to leave for comfort in the carrier in case of the above....old newspaper, puppy training sheets or an old towel will do the job.


Don’t Arrive with your cat in your arms or on a harness. The cat may panic and escape from your arms.


Cat carriers must be “fit for purpose” and safe. The canvas type have multi zips..please ensure they are all secure when leaving your vehicle.

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